Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Quote of the day:

"Hollywood eto mesto gde tebe mogut predlozit $1000 za pocelui i tolko
50centov za tvoju dushu."
Marilyn Monroe

Comin back after an excellent weekend, visiting nicosia, eating
russian dumpings,
playing tennis, and finally tuned up my windows xp for high perfomance, to work
as it should (in my understadnig).

as well as watching some excellent pices of cinematography like
Nosferatus (1st dracula movie produced 1922).
Some russian documentics, about Merlin Monroe.. Bill Gates and his
first deal with IBM that made him
a millionare in a overnight, also MIX 2006 show about all the latest
technologies and trends. it was also
fun to see how Gates agreed that microsft had underestimated ADSENSE
on the ads market.

looking forward to the week to improve my academic perfomance, and to
start research for my technical report
about globalization.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

cool thoughts

"Настоящая забота о будущем состоит в том, чтобы отдать все настоящему."

MONAX kotoryj PRODAL svoi ferrari!

"Caring about future, consists of getting everything from the present."